Colon Cancer Specialist in Delhi



Colorectal/Colon cancer, also known as Bowel Cancer develops in the large intestine. It commences when healthy cells in the lining of the colon or rectum change and grow out of control forming a mass called tumor. Early cases can begin as non-cancerous polyps which mostly have no symptoms but can be detected by screening. Colorectal/Colon cancer is the third most common cancer worldwide and is more frequently seen in men than in women. Most colorectal/colon cancer are due to old age and sedentary lifestyle.

Colon Cancer Signs & Symptoms

  • Change in bowel habits
  • Abdominal discomfort
  • Fatigue
  • Weight loss
  • Blood in stool

Colon Cancer Diagnosis

  • Diagnosis is performed by sampling of colon areas suspicious for possible tumor development, typically by endoscopy. Endoscopy is an examination in which a lighted tube is inserted via anus into the intestine that further allows seeing the inside of the intestine. When a tumour is found within 15 cms from the anus it is considered as rectal tumour and if it is found 15cms away from the anus it is considered as colon tumour.
  • Radiological tests like CT scan, PET and MRI are used to visualize the localisation and size of the tumour.
  • Blood analysis for carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), a tumour marker which might be useful in selected situations.
  • The confirmation of diagnosis is only given by laboratory analysis of the tumour and tissues biopsy.

You have to wait for your test results with your consulting colon cancer specialist in Delhi.

Colon Cancer Treatment

Colorectal/Colon cancer is treatable and chances of survival increases if it is detected on time. Treatment of colorectal/colon cancer depends on stages (0-IV) that is how far advanced the cancer is and types of cancer. Colon cancer specialists in Delhi have 'staged' according to tumour size, involvement of lymph nodes and whether it has spread outside the colon, rectum and lymph nodes to other parts of the body or not. This information is used to help decide and plan the best treatment. Treatment of colorectal/colon cancer include surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and sometimes combination of both (radiotherapy & chemotherapy). In later stages (IV) targeted biological therapy is used.

Life style modification plays a vital role in management of colorectal/colon cancer by improving prognosis and quality of life. Life style modification includes weight management, physical activity (at least 150 minutes per week), diet (fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants), avoiding alcohol, smoking and tobacco. Avoiding red and processed meats as it has shown to increase the risk of colorectal/colon cancer.

Colon Cancer Follow-Up

Colon cancer specialist in Delhi do not require anyfollow-up protocols generally accepted for colorectal/colon cancer. Your doctor will schedule visits after the treatment is completed with purpose of monitoring side effects of the therapy, possible recurrence of the disease and to provide you with support to be back to your normal life. The follow-up may last up to 5 years.

Is colon cancer curable?

Yes, colon cancer is a curable disease. And it is more likely to be treatable till stage 3. Usually, the cure for this disease is surgery along with chemotherapy. Still, the cure and recovery may vary for each patient. It may depend upon the stage of cancer and the patient's condition. Hence, it is necessary to find a specialist who can understand and provide proper treatment. So, you can consult Dr. Priya Tiwari to get the right cancer diagnosis. She is the best colon cancer doctor in Delhi. Also, she has a huge experience in handling such cancers and even some severe cases successfully.

What causes colon cancer?

Colon cancer is one such cancer that develops in the large intestine, i.e., the colon. And the doctors are quite unsure about most of the causes of this cancer. Generally, colon cancer starts when some change arises in the healthy cells, the DNA of the colon. And this damaged DNA of the cell can become cancerous. Further, these cells may keep dividing even when not needed and form tumors. The cancer cells may affect the normal tissues and other body parts over time. Hence, seek a doctor to get treatment in time and avoid any dreadful risk.

How to detect colon cancer?

Some signs may help you detect colon cancer. And you should immediately seek medical counsel when you notice any such symptoms. So, the signs are-

  • Weakness
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Constant abdominal discomforts, like gas or pain
  • Blood in stool or rectal bleeding
  • Diarrhea or constipation, and maybe a persistent change in the bowel habits

These symptoms may depend upon the stage of cancer. Also, you may not notice any signs in the early stages. However, you must consult a specialist for proper diagnosis. Your doctor may perform some screening tests, CT scans, and colonoscopy to detect your exact condition and severity of cancer.

Is colon cancer dangerous?

According to a study, colon cancers are one of the common cancers. And due to the advancement in medical sciences, curing cancers is possible. Also, the recovery rate in patients is increasing greatly. Because the specialists use modern tools that help diagnose cancer status easily. Some tests can detect polyps, and the doctor can remove them before they become cancer. Early diagnosis and treatment of colon cancers can lead to a speedy recovery. Hence, one must consult the doctor instantly after noticing any signs of colon cancer.

Can colon cancer be cured without surgery?

It may depend upon the stage of your colon cancer. However, even stage 0 colon cancer may require a small surgery to remove the polyps or cut out the area with cancer. And high-grade colon cancers may involve chemo and radiation therapy along with surgery. So, it's better to consult and talk to your doctor about your condition and suitable process. You can contact Dr. Priya Tiwari, the best colon cancer doctor in Delhi. She specializes in treating such types of cancers and offers the best treatment with a positive outcome.

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